Choosing between asphalt and concrete for your new driveway surface can be a hard decision to make. Both materials are quite durable, and both can greatly enhance the appearance and “curb appeal” of your property. But before making your choice between the two, there are a few important differences between asphalt and concrete that you should keep in mind. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of each material.
Asphalt Advantages
Although concrete is a popular driveway choice for many homeowners, asphalt has its benefits as well.
- Asphalt is less expensive. In fact, asphalt can cost as much as 50% less than concrete.
- Asphalt has the ability to expand when temperatures fluctuate. This makes it a better choice for cold climates. If you live in a cold-weather climate, you should know that substances used to de-ice paved surfaces – such as salt, for example – won’t harm an asphalt surface.
- Asphalt doesn’t crack as easily as concrete. Most of us have probably seen aging concrete driveways that start to crack and flake. Although asphalt can crack over time, it won’t flake, and it’s less likely to age as quickly as concrete.
Asphalt Disadvantages
- Maintenance is required. In order for asphalt to last for several years, it will need to be maintained regularly. This includes making minor repairs as soon as any damage appears on the surface, as well as regular seal coating.
- Asphalt doesn’t last as long as concrete. If you maintain your paved surface – whether asphalt or concrete – it should last for many years. But asphalt typically does not last as long as concrete. So an asphalt surface may last 20 years, while a concrete surface might last 30 years or more.
- Asphalt can be harder to maintain in hot climates. The surface can soften and become sticky in extremely hot weather, so asphalt needs to be professionally maintained by paving professionals to ensure that it withstands these weather conditions.
Concrete Advantages
One of the most obvious advantages of concrete is all in the eyes of the beholder: many homeowners believe that concrete looks more finished and more upscale than asphalt. But there are other advantages as well.
- Concrete lasts longer. Over the long term, concrete surfaces usually last longer than asphalt surfaces. In fact, concrete can last for several decades if it’s maintained and cared for on a regular basis.
- Concrete withstands hot weather well. A concrete surface won’t soften or become sticky in hot weather in the same way as asphalt would.
- Concrete presents more options. Homeowners can choose concrete surfaces in different patterns or colors, if they choose to do so.
Concrete Disadvantages
- Concrete is harder to repair. If concrete isn’t properly maintained, it can crack and flake. Unfortunately, concrete isn’t easy to repair, which means that a damaged surface often needs to be repaved.
- Concrete is more expensive. In fact, a concrete driveway can cost the homeowner as much as 50% more than asphalt.
- Concrete is easily stained. Unlike asphalt, which hides stains well because of its dark color, concrete shows stains easily.
Make sure you choose the right surface for your driveway by contacting a reputable local paving company for an estimate. Trusted paving professionals can provide you with more information regarding how these different materials stand up under your local climate conditions.