We’re so fortunate in the US to have a variety of just about everything to choose from – whether it’s food, clothing styles, home/office décor, music, entertainment options, etc. In fact, the list is virtually endless. But you may not know that we have a choice when it comes to asphalt as well. In fact, this extremely durable pavement comes in three varieties, and understanding the differences in these types of asphalt can help you to make the right choice for your pavement project. Here are brief descriptions of each variety of asphalt available from paving contractors:
- Hot asphalt – If you’ve ever driven past a road construction crew repairing potholes or other road damage, then you’ve likely seen hot asphalt being used. Just as the name implies, hot asphalt is applied when the material is heated to very high temperatures. It is at this stage when the asphalt is most pliable and easiest to work with. The cooler the asphalt gets, the harder it is to use until, eventually, it cools completely into the rock-hard pavement surface that we’re all familiar with.
- CM cold mix asphalt – This type of asphalt is much less commonly used, and is normally only applied in cold temperatures. Although cold mix asphalt is usually considered to be a temporary solution, it does have some limited applications where it works well. This includes areas that have very little or no traffic at all, since this variety of asphalt is very slow to cure.
- UPM asphalt – Another cold mix asphalt, UPM is very high quality and can be used as a permanent fix for virtually any type of damage that occurs in asphalt pavement. It is relatively easy to use and requires no special equipment or machinery. Although easy to use, UPM asphalt is also extremely durable and long-lasting.
While it’s important to understand that there are three different types of asphalt, it’s also important to leave asphalt repairs to the professionals whenever possible. Even UPM asphalt – as relatively easy to use as it is – is challenging to apply if you haven’t done it before. Asphalt repair is not for the faint of heart or for the inexperienced home or business owner. If you make a mistake with pavement, it’s virtually impossible to fix that mistake on your own, so let the professionals perform whatever asphalt repair project you may have. For more information about the varieties of asphalt, and to schedule asphalt repair for your home or business property, contact a local reputable paving contractor.