One of the critical decisions in laying asphalt is the weather conditions anticipated for the time of installation. It may be obvious that it’s not a good idea to lay asphalt in the dead of winter with snow on the ground. But even if you live in a more temperate climate, it’s important to choose the optimum weather before you begin to lay asphalt.
If you live in a warmer climate, the best time of year to install a new asphalt surface is the spring and summer months. Those who live further north in a colder climate may need to wait for summer before the time is right. Generally, the optimum weather conditions for laying new asphalt is under clear skies, with little or no wind, when the temperature is about 70 degrees. The further south you live, the earlier in the year paving contractors can begin their busy season. Usually, this means from around mid-spring all the way through the summer and into the early part of fall is the prime time of year.
There are several reasons why paving professionals prefer to work only when conditions are best. The first involves the asphalt mix itself. If the outside temperature is somewhere around 70 degrees, the mixture will be easier to work with and the asphalt will be able to cool as it should. While it is feasible to lay asphalt in a very light rain or drizzle, it’s not preferred by most paving contractors. In fact, too much moisture can damage the sublayers of the pavement and result in the asphalt cooling off too quickly. So it’s always best to choose dry weather whenever possible. And winter is typically not the right time of year to install asphalt. The mixture cools off too quickly in colder weather, making it more difficult to pour and harder to level off into an even surface.
While winter may not be the right time to actually have your new pavement installed, it is a good time to begin the planning phase. Talk to your contractor now to make sure that your job is in the queue for a few months from now. And schedule an appointment for your paving contractor to come visit your site so you can explain exactly what you envision for your new pavement. The actual job may not start for a few more months, but winter is a great time to plan ahead for your new asphalt surface!