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Preparing Asphalt for Colder Weather


This time of year, most of us are preparing our homes, businesses, and vehicles for the colder months ahead. Tasks like turning off irrigation systems and making sure our cars have fresh antifreeze are often at the top of our fall to-do lists. But as you make these preparations, don’t forget your asphalt surfaces! As it turns out, there are steps you should take to make sure that your pavement is prepared for the colder temperatures as well. What follows are some steps to protect your asphalt from the harsh winter weather that’s just around the corner.

  • Clean the surface: Ideally, you should be keeping your asphalt surface clean throughout the year. That’s just part of regular maintenance. But that’s especially important during the fall months, when leaves and other plant debris can quickly accumulate on the surface. If you only have a small amount of pavement to maintain, you can clean it yourself with a blower or a broom. But if you’re responsible for maintaining a parking lot, roadway, or some other large paved surface, you should consider having it professionally cleaned. This will make it easier for your paving contractor to identify any repairs that need to be made. And speaking of repairs…
  • Make repairs: Now is the time to repair any damage that has occurred to your asphalt surface. Potholes are one obvious problem, but there is other damage that might not be so apparent. Small cracks should be repaired as well. It’s important to have these repairs made before the colder weather sets in for two reasons: 1) fall usually brings weather that is conducive to repairing pavement, so your asphalt contractor will have an easier time of it before the colder/wetter winter months, and 2) the moisture that comes with the winter season can easily seep into your pavement – even through tiny cracks in the surface – and can create much more damage in a short period of time.
  • Ask your paving contractor about sealcoating: The fall is often an excellent time to sealcoat asphalt. This provides good protection from the moisture and temperature extremes that occur throughout the winter months. And, as is the case with asphalt repairs, it’s much easier to sealcoat a surface during the fall than it is during the winter.

If you’re working on your fall to-do list, don’t forget your paved surfaces! The best way to start preparing your asphalt surface for the colder months ahead is by contacting a local, reputable paving contractor and scheduling an appointment.