Major Causes of Asphalt Damage

asphalt damage

Whether your paved surface is a municipal roadway, a parking lot, or a residential driveway, it’s helpful to know some common reasons why asphalt gets damaged and how to avoid it, if possible. While it’s true that asphalt is extremely durable, that doesn’t mean it’s indestructible. In fact, your pavement can be damaged for any number of reasons, including the following:

  • Water – Arguably the biggest enemy of asphalt is water. Whether it’s from heavy rainfall, irrigation systems or depressions in the surface that collect standing water, moisture can seep into tiny cracks in asphalt. This can cause the cracks to expand and increase the possibility of potholes forming. Worse still, water can work its way down below the surface and damage the sublayer of the pavement. To avoid water damage, make sure that minor cracks are repaired promptly, and have your pavement seal coated on a regular basis.
  • UV rays – Sunlight can also damage asphalt. The UV rays break down the paved surface, which often results in the pavement becoming dry and brittle. Once again, having your asphalt seal coated on a regular basis will help to protect it from damaging UV rays.
  • Heavy traffic – If your pavement is subjected to regular heavy traffic, as is often the case with roadways and parking lots, the asphalt may become rutted and weakened in areas where heavy trucks and other vehicles are parked. This is one of many reasons why it’s so important to hire an experienced, reputable contractor for your paving projects. If the asphalt is properly installed to begin with – such as ensuring that a thicker layer of asphalt is installed in areas that will be subjected to heavy vehicle traffic — it will stand up better in the long run.
  • Oil and fuel spills – If your pavement is regularly subjected to spills of vehicle fluids like oil and fuel, those spills can damage the aggregates in the asphalt. Over time, the pavement will begin to crumble and/or form depressions in the surface. When it comes to oil and fuel spills, the longer they are left on the surface, the more damage they will do. So it’s important to clean spills as quickly as possible.

Asphalt pavement is a major investment, so it’s important to protect your paved surfaces from damage whenever possible. Fortunately, you can do just that by following these simple steps. With a little diligence on your part, your pavement can last for many, many years.