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How Do I Maintain My Parking Lot?

maintain parking lot

The parking lot at your apartment complex, shopping center, school or warehouse may feel sturdy and unchanging once the asphalt officially dries, but your lot can only withstand so much. Though many would like to think their parking lots are a one-time expense, maintaining them regularly throughout their lifetimes can significantly reduce the damage it sustains and the cost of repairs down the line. How, though, do you maintain a giant slab of asphalt?

Proper Cleaning

Over the days, months or even years your lot is in use, it’ll be exposed to the elements and could begin to be buried in debris that blows in on vehicles or from inclement weather. Removing debris like leaves, dirt, sand and trash can help keep the asphalt’s surface from breaking up. Additionally, all this debris can prevent water from draining properly, allowing the moisture to soak the lower layers of asphalt, resulting in the development of potholes and cracks.

Renting a sweeper can remove these drainage hindrances and keep your pavement safe and beautiful. Don’t forget to clear out the drainage channels along the lot. Once clear, these channels will carry water away from the pavement, preventing it from becoming too soaked.

Making Repairs

Your pavement suffers a lot of punishment already. Tackling the simplest of repairs can prevent more significant damage later and save you money in the long run. Weeds can push their way through the asphalt and, if left unchecked, can create a system of cracks that could compromise the integrity of the lot.

Nip those weeds in the bud by spraying weed-killer regularly. Like water, oil from leaky engines can soak into the concrete and break down the structure, causing holes and cracks. Oil can be removed easily with DIY techniques that soak up the oil and remove the stain it leaves behind.

It’s best to fill in any cracks or holes at once to prevent them from growing. However, if you notice those pot holes are developing in high-traffic areas, it may not be the elements as much as it’s the layout of the lot. Regular repainting will help keep you lot looking pristine, could improve your lot density and will take pressure off the high-traffic areas to keep your lot safer overall.

Once you fill your cracks and repaint those lines, be sure to seal it to keep it looking great and resisting breakdown for years.

Keep Your Lot in Tip-Top Shape with Contractors Asphalt

A parking lot can say a lot about the business it serves. Maintain your first impression regularly with help from the pavers at Contractors Asphalt. To learn more about asphalt maintenance, contact us online or call (512) 388-9968.