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How Are Potholes Fixed?


If you own property, it is important for you to take care of it. This means getting rid of potholes as quickly as possible. Potholes can be a significant issue. They can make it unsafe for people to walk, deep potholes can damage vehicles, and they could impact the curb appeal of your property.

This means that if you go to sell your property in the future, you may not get nearly as much money as you expect. At Contractors Asphalt, it would be our pleasure to help you fix any potholes that might be present. How exactly are potholes fixed?

Remove the Moisture

If there are potholes on your property, the first step is to remove any moisture that might be present. If the pavement is wet, it is nearly impossible to work with. If we add asphalt on top of wet pavement, we will simply be putting a Band-Aid on the issue.

There are a number of ways we can remove the moisture, but one of the most common ways is to heat the pavement. This encourages the moisture to evaporate, and we can make sure it is totally dry before we move forward.

Reshape the Pavement

Once the moisture has been removed, the next step is to reshape the pavement. If you have had a significant amount of moisture on your property, and a puddle has formed in the pothole, the integrity of the pavement has probably been damaged. There might even be cracks in the nearby area that we need to address.

Fortunately, by heating the pavement, we also make it easier to work with. We will make sure the pavement has an appropriate shape, and then we will move forward and complete the repair process.

Add the New Asphalt

Finally, once we have the right shape, we can add the new asphalt. We have numerous types of payment from which to choose, and we will do everything we can to match the asphalt to the pavement you have. This is important because we want the asphalt to not only be strong but aesthetically pleasing as well.

Furthermore, we want you to take care of your asphalt once we have fixed the issue. That is why we always take a few minutes to explain exactly what you need to do to take care of the asphalt once it has been put down. We will also let you know how long the asphalt takes to cure. That way, you don’t put any heavy items are objects on it before it is sturdy.

Call Contractors Asphalt Today To Make an Appointment

Clearly, it is important for you to make sure potholes are appropriately dealt with as quickly as possible. At Contractors Asphalt, it would be our pleasure to help you take care of any potholes you have on your property as well.

We have a significant amount of experience dealing with a wide variety of pavement issues, and we can help you properly address these concerns as well. Contact us today to speak to a member of our team.