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Asphalt Paving Season is Here!


Summer is finally here, and this is the perfect time of year to install new asphalt surfaces. Whether your paving project involves a new roadway, parking lot or driveway, there is no better time than the summer to get that project completed. Here are some reasons why this is such a great time of year to install new asphalt:

  • The consistency of asphalt remains more stable in warmer temperatures. Asphalt is an extremely pliable material. But if the air temperature is too cool, it can reduce that pliability and make it more difficult to install. When temperatures are warmer, the asphalt mixtures remains at the right consistency for a longer period of time during the installation process, giving the paving contractors more time to work with the surface as it is being poured.
  • The days are longer during the summertime. Speaking of giving your paving contractors more time – along with summer comes longer days. That means that your asphalt installers will have more time during the day to work with the asphalt surface. Remember that there’s more to asphalt than simply pouring the mixture. A good asphalt installation also involves smoothing the surface, and that requires time on the part of the installers. Summer-length days will give them all the time they need.
  • Asphalt hardens faster in the summer months. While it is possible to encounter some warm-weather thunderstorms, generally speaking there is less likelihood that the weather will be wet for long periods of time in the summer than in other times of the year. Rain and cooler temperatures will cool new asphalt surfaces too quickly, and that could compromise the strength and durability of the pavement.
  • Sealant dries faster in warmer weather. The final step in a new asphalt installation is when the paving contractor applies a latex sealant to the top of the asphalt. The warmer the weather, the faster this sealant will dry – and the sooner you’ll be able to use your new asphalt surface.

When it comes to having a new asphalt surface installed, no one knows better exactly when to time that installation than a trusted local paving contractor. These asphalt specialists understand the vagaries of your local summer weather, and they can plan your installation so that weather conditions will be optimum. Summer is such a great time of year for a variety of activities – and that includes getting that new asphalt paving project completed!